
Thanks For the Memories.

Even though we’re no longer talking to one another, we’d still like to express our gratitude to all of those visionaries that supported us while F4 was alive.

All good things must come to an end. That’s what makes them so special and unique. But endings often turn into beginnings.

Adam gambled all of his earnings on Bitcoin and now has to make ends meet performing ‘intimate bleaching’ for glamour models. Gavin started an illegal cult in Bella Coola, BC, and is being investigated by Interpol. Nick created a fashionable line of organic beard grooming products and Thomas went full steam ahead into Van conversions and is now known in certain circles as ‘The Van Czar’.

Without you, the viewer, the supporter and some might say ‘investor’, all of this would have been pointless.

So, from the bottoms of our jaded and argumentative hearts, we’d like to say thank you and happy new year.

F4, Adam, Gavin, Nick and Tom